Up-cycled linings

70% of our linings are up-cycled locally. Typically a Nylon/Poly/Cotton mix.

We source our up-cycled lining from a local supplier in North Macedonia only 10km away from the Studio.

Twice a year, our supplier tours factories to recupe rolls of lining material destined for landfills. Materials are brought back to a huge warehouse in N. Macedonia and roughly categorised.

Business can go dig through the mountains of rolls and pay per kg. The supplier also has a chain of shops selling to local designers and hobby creatives.

The materials rarely have any supplier or composition information and we can rarely find exact colours and materials twice. Hence you might notice slight differences between in the ilining in our bags.

  • 30% of our lining comes from central Italy.

8 years ago we custom made Beige Nylon Lining with our logo, following the huge (for our little production) minimum quantity of the supplier.

As we only use a very small qty in the pockets it will take a while until we go 100% up-cycled.

Photo 2014 - our first tour of the warehouse